Professional SEO Services to Boost Your Online Presence

Not ranking well? Elevate your website and outrank your competitors.

Organic search rules are continually changing, making it hard to keep up with Google’s latest changes. If you’re worried about your rankings tanking or want to push your SEO to its limits, get in touch and get On Top!

BeOnTop is your SEO Partner

Our team of SEO-ninjas continually monitor, review and optimise hundreds of data points that influence how high you rank in organic search results. From competitor analysis to on-page optimisation, we enact strategies that attract fresh, organic visitors and distinguish you in search results.

Local SEO

Unlock the power of local SEO and dominate your market!

Local SEO is a crucial strategy for driving traffic and attracting local customers to your business. Nearly 25% of website traffic comes from local searches, making it a significant source of new business.

Local and organic searches together account for 69% of overall digital traffic, highlighting the importance of optimising for local search queries​.

We specialise in optimising your online presence to attract local customers. We ensure your business stands out in local searches by targeting location-specific keywords and optimising your Google My Business profile. Boost your website traffic, increase foot traffic, and drive more enquiries with our expert local SEO services.

SEO Management

Let us take the wheel and say goodbye to SEO headaches!

Our SEO service kicks off with an exploration session to understand your business, website, and digital marketing goals.

Following this, your dedicated SEO team will prepare a no-nonsense SEO plan tailored to your business, including a detailed estimate of the deliverables, timelines, and costs.

Our approach includes detailed keyword and competitor research, on-site content optimisation, and a technical website audit with recommendations. Once the onsite fundamentals are sorted, we will progress to creating high-quality, rankable content, and building out authoritative backlinks to your website.

Let’s work together

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Content Marketing

Writer’s block got you stuck on your new post, blog, or marketing content?

We live in a digital-first world, making it essential to fill your site with useful and interesting content that gets your message across whilst staying true to your brand.

At BeOnTop, we specialise in content marketing that captivates and converts. By leveraging blogs, whitepapers, and other digital media formats, we help you to reach new customers organically and establish your brand as the experts in your industry.

BeOnTop are your Content Marketing Experts

Each business has a unique personality, beyond just your visual branding. We help you sing from the rooftops!

  • Comprehensive research to understand your target market
  • Customised Content Plan
  • High-Quality Content Production and Copywriting
  • SEO Best Practice
  • Content Publishing & Distribution
  • Continuous Performance Optimisation
  • Detailed Reporting

Let’s work together

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Google Analytics 4 Setup & Reporting

Not connected to Google Analytics (GA4) – Let us help you!

We’re passionate about data—it’s the foundation of everything we do. It’s not just crucial for understanding your audience and their engagement with your business; it also reveals who you might be overlooking.

BeOnTop is your Google Analytics agency

Ever wondered how digital giants consistently lead the way? It’s not magic; it’s innovation. Google has revolutionized its analytics with the introduction of Google Analytics 4.

This isn’t just an update—it’s a transformative evolution that every business must embrace to thrive in the digital world.

At BeOnTop, we go beyond being tech experts—we’re your dedicated analytics partners! We’ll guide you through the entire GA4 transition, ensuring you leverage all the latest features and gain insights that truly matter for your business. With GA4’s event-driven model, you’ll achieve an unparalleled understanding of your customers, empowering you to make precise, impactful decisions.

The Benefits of Google Analytics 4 (GA4)

  • Enhanced User Tracking: Gain deeper insights into user behavior.
  • Live Dashboards: Monitor your data in real time.
  • Automatic Reports: Enjoy self-updating reports.
  • Advanced Tools: Utilise Power BI, Google Data Studio, and the powerful combination of Supermetrics with Google Sheets.
  • Cross-Platform Analysis: Analyse data seamlessly across different platforms.
  • Improved Data Privacy: Ensure compliance with enhanced privacy measures.
  • Predictive Analytics: Make data-driven predictions.
  • Enhanced Reporting & Dashboards: Access more detailed and informative reports.
  • Deeper Integration with Google Ads: Optimise your ad campaigns with better data.

BeOnTop – Get in touch today to discuss your SEO campaign!

At BeOnTop, we set ourselves apart by understanding your business goals and creating bespoke campaigns to achieve them—focused solely on results.

Get in touch today to start your SEO campaign.

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